Python Operators:


                Operators are used to perform operations on values and variables.


                Python Operators are divided into 7 categories:


·         Python Arithmetic Operator

·         Python Relational Operator

·         Python Assignment Operator

·         Python Logical Operator

·         Python Membership Operator

·         Python Identity Operator

·         Python Bitwise Operator

  1.  Python Arithmetic Operator:

                Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction,                 multiplication and division.


                Operator               Name                                    Example             

                +                             Addition                                a + b     

                -                              Subtraction                            a - b      

                *                             Multiplication                        a * b     

                /                              Division                                 a / b      

                %                            Modulus                                a % b    

                **                           Exponentiation                      a ** b   

                //                            Floor division                         a // b




                 print(a + b)





                Likewise, you can try other arithmetic operators (a - b, a * b, a / b, etc.)

     2.   Python Relational Operator:

                Relational operators compares the values. It either returns True or False according to the                        condition.


                Operator               Name                                              Example

                >                             Greater than                                    a > b

                <                             Less than                                         a < b

                >=                           Greater than or equal to                  a >= b

                <=                           Less than or equal to                       a <= b

                ==                           Equal to                                           a == b

                !=                            Not equal to                                     a != b



                a = 4

                b = 5

                print(a > b)





                Likewise, you can try other relational operators (a < b, a==b, a!=b, etc.)

        3. Python Assignment Operator:

                Assignment operators are used to assign values to the variables.


                Operator             Example                              Conventional form

                =                             a = 5                                    a = 5      

                +=                           a += 3                                  a = a + 3               

                -=                            a -= 3                                   a = a - 3

                *=                           a *= 3                                   a = a * 3               

                /=                            a /= 3                                    a = a / 3

                %=                          a %= 3                                 a = a % 3              

                //=                           a //= 3                                   a = a // 3             

                **=                         a **= 3                                 a = a ** 3            

                &=                          a &= 3                                  a = a & 3              

                |=                            a |= 3                                     a = a | 3               

                ^=                           a ^= 3                                    a = a ^ 3               

                >>=                        a >>= 3                                  a = a >> 3            

                <<=                        a <<= 3                                  a = a << 3




                a = 4

                b = 5







                Likewise, you can try other assignment operators (a-=b, a*=b, a/=b, etc.)

        4.Python Logical Operator:

                Logical operators perform Logical AND, Logical OR and Logical NOT operations.


                Operator             Meaning                                                                     Example

                and                        True if both the operands are true                               a and b

                or                           True if either of the operands is true                           a or b

                not                         True if operand is false                                                not a



                a = True

                b = False

                print(a and b)

                print(a or b)

                print(not a)






            5. Python Membership Operator:

                in and not in are the membership operators, used to test whether a value or variable is in a                     sequence.


                Operator             Meaning                                                                    Example

                in                          True if value/variable is found in                              5 in a

                                              the sequence   

                not in                    True if value/variable is not found                            5 not in a

                                              in the sequence



                a = 3

                b = 9

                list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];

                if ( a in list ):

                                print("a is present in given list")


                                print("a is not present in given list")

                if ( b not in list ):

                                print("b is  not present in given list")


                                print("b is present in given list")



                >>> a is present in given list

                >>> b is  not present in given list

        6.Python Identity Operator:

                is and is not are the identity operators both are used to check if two values are located on the                 same part of the memory. Two variables that are equal does not imply that they are                                 identical.


                Operator                 Meaning                                                                 Example

                is                              Returns True if both variables are                           a is b     

                                                 the same object

                is not                        Returns True if both variables are                           a is not b

                                                 not the same object



                a = 20

                b = 20

                if ( a is b ):

                                print("a & b  same identity")


                if ( a is not b ):

                                print("a & b have different identity")



                >>> a & b  same identity

                >>> a & b have different identity 

        7.Python Bitwise Operator:

                Bitwise operators acts on bits and performs bit by bit operation.


                Operator             Name                                               Meaning

                &                          AND                                                 Sets each bit to 1 if both bits are 1                                                                                             

                |                             OR                                                    Sets each bit to 1 if one of two bits is 1

                ^                             XOR                                                Sets each bit to 1 if only one of two   

                                                                                                        bits is 1

                ~                             NOT                                                 Inverts all the bits

            <<                               Zero fill left shift                             Shift left by pushing zeros in from the 

                                                                                                        right and let the leftmost bits fall off        

                >>                           Signed right shift                             Shift right by pushing copies of the 

                                                                                                         leftmost bit in from the left, and let   

                                                                                                         the rightmost bits fall off 




                print(a & b)





                Likewise, you can try other bitwise operators (a | b, a ^ b, a ~ b, etc.)
